Capuchin Soup Kitchen

Blessed Solanus Casey took us on a journey today to meet Fr. David Preuss to learn more about the man behind the miracles. He discussed the input Solanus had on people's faith, life, and the ways in which he helped the community through the creation of the Capuchin Soup Kitchen in 1921. When we went to see the humbled man's idea in action almost 100 years later, we met up with Br. Jerry Johnson, Director of the Soup Kitchen, and he expressed the importance the soup kitchen and the volunteers helping make it happen have within the community of Detroit and across the world. Solanus's care and humility carried on through other services throughout the Capuchin Soup Kitchen with the donations of turkeys, bread, potatoes, and other goods for the holidays.

We are excited to have Fr. David Preuss and Br. Jerry Johnson help us narrate the story of Solanus's life as they will be featured in our upcoming film in the end of 2019.